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Negative Transfer

Formats you can send:

We are able to process the following processed negative formats: 35 mm, APS Film, 110/220 Film, 126 Instamatic Film, Large Negatives.

For information regarding the pricing for Custom Negative Transfers and the rest of my services, please refer to my Custom Order Price List .

I am able to fit approximately 500 negative frames onto one DVD. I can only provide an estimate because image file sizes depend on the image details as images with more details will result in a larger file size.

If you would like your negatives to appear in a particular order:

Sort your negatives in preferred viewing order.
Group your negatives into bundles of 50.
Place each bundle of 50 negatives in an envelope or bag.
Number each envelope or bag in numeric order.

If you do not have a preferred sequence:

Group your negatives into bundles of 50.
Place each bundle of 50 negatives in an envelope or bag.


Your original negatives will be returned once your order has completed processing.

Slide Transfer

Formats you can send:

I am able to process the following slide formats: 35 mm, Super 35 mm, 35 mm Half Frame, 110, 126, 127, 127 Superslide, and 120/220 Medium; slides must be in plastic or cardboard mounts.

I am able to fit approximately 500 slides onto one DVD.

We can only provide an estimate because image file sizes depend on the image details as images with more details will result in a larger file size

Your original slides will be returned once your order has completed processing

For information regarding the pricing for Custom Slide Transfers and the rest of our services, please refer to my Custom Order Price List .

If you would like your slides to appear in a particular order:

Sort your slides in preferred viewing order.
Group your slides into bundles of 50 and secure with rubber bands.
Place each bundle of 50 slides in an envelope or bag.
Number each envelope or bag in numeric order.

If you do not have a preferred sequence:

Group your slides into bundles of 50 and secure with rubber bands.
Place each bundle of 50 slides in an envelope or bag.


Photo Transfer

Formats you can send:

I am able to transfer photos measuring from 2” x 2” to 8” x 12”.

For information regarding the pricing for Custom Photo Transfers and the rest of my services, please refer to my Custom Order Price List .

I am able to fit approximately 500 photos onto one DVD. We can only provide an estimate because image file sizes depend on the image details as images with more details will result in a larger file size.

If you would like your photos to appear in a particular order:

Group your photos into bundles of 50.
Number each individual photo, so that a clear sequence is provided.
Secure each bundle of 50 photos with a rubber band based on their numerical sequence.
Place each bundle of 50 photos in an envelope or bag.

If you do not have a preferred sequence:

Group your photos into bundles of 50.
Secure each bundle of 50 photos with a rubber band.
Place each bundle of 50 photos in an envelope or bag.


Your original photos and containers will be returned with your completed order.